facebookRobo War Experiment (RWE) Update – December 2023 - Seedly




Robo War Experiment (RWE) Update – December 2023

An update to my Robo War Experiment performance for December 2023.

Tan Choong Hwee

Edited 03 Jan 2024

Investor/Trader at Home

This Opinion post first appeared in my blog here: https://pwlcm.wordpress.com/2024/01/03/robo-war-experiment-rwe-update-december-2023/

This is a performance update to my Robo War Experiment (RWE) posted here:

Disclaimer: This post is just for educational sharing purposes. Please do your own due diligence on any products mentioned in this post.


Performance Update

Here is the December 2023 Performance Update:

All the 5 robo advisor portfolios and the 3 benchmark indices continued the rebound from last month. This round MoneyOwl portfolio took the top spot in terms of monthly return, and the worst is StashAway portfolio. For the indices, MSCI World Index took the lead with S&P 500 the last in monthly return.

In terms of XIRR since inception, both Syfe and MoneyOwl portfolios have turned from negative to positive, and the best and worst are Endowus and SquirrelSave respectively.

Key Observations

  1. All 5 robo advisors and 3 benchmark indices continued the rebound in December 2023.
  2. Endowus portfolio remained the top performer in YTD return and XIRR since inception among robo advisors.
  3. MoneyOwl portfolio took the lead in monthly return in December 2023, while StashAway portfolio was the worst performer.
  4. Both Syfe and MoneyOwl portfolios have turned from negative to positive in XIRR since inception.
  5. After 3 full years of experiment (excluding MoneyOwl and SquirrelSave portfolios which were added in April 2022), it seems like the robo advisor portfolios couldn't gain an edge over the benchmark indices based on XIRR since inception.

Referral Links

Endowus: https://endowus.com/invite?code=J6YV3
Syfe: https://www.syfe.com/invite/wealth/SRPTRJTFQ
StashAway: https://www.stashaway.sg/referrals/choonght43
MoneyOwl: https://moneyowl.com.sg/app/accounts/sign-up?referral_code=5FZY-58AG
SquirrelSave: https://app.squirrelsave.com.sg/Start/Referralcode?referralid=2996


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