facebookReview of my Portfolio (July 2022) - Seedly




Review of my Portfolio (July 2022)

Portfolio Review

Review of my Portfolio (30/07/2022)

  • Total unrealised loss = -1.3%
  • YTD portfolio down = - 22.2%

Added in July

Growth Portfolio: XLK, META

Dividend Portfolio: BSTZ, SK6U, CLR, M44U, AJBU, AU8U, CMOU, T82U, OV8, J91U, Allianz income & growth

Sold in July

RW0U @ +9.6% (exclude dividend)

Reason: Merger with N2IU, dont want to have odd lot

Portfolio Weightage

Dividend Received

YTD dividend received = SGD $ 3,460.05


US Market

  • The communication sector trail the Nasdaq again. Maybe it will catch up again?
  • This month is the earning session for all the tech giant.
  • Google, Meta and Microsoft had missed their earnings.
  • Microsoft rocketed while Meta and Google remain quite stagnent.
  • On the bright, Meta and Google didn't plunge another 20%, meaning current price may had already factor in all the headwind ahead?
  • Meta shows slowing down of revenue growth, however at current valuation, it is too attractive to ignore.
  • August plan to build more position on communication sector, provided it haven't recover, must wait for my next month salary... 😔 poor man.

China Market

  • Over at china, Alibaba plunged below 100 again as SEC added it into delisting list.
  • Alibaba pursue primary listing in Hong kong may signal high chance of delisting.
  • If BABA get delisted from NYSE. It can either be traded OTC or convert the BABA shares to 9988 @ a fee. So not to concern actually.
  • There also other issue like China debt crisis, US-China tension risen because Pelosi want to visit taiwan.
  • To me, the highest risk is actually China following Russia footstep and invade Taiwan, it will really be a wealth destruction for the entire world.


  • In Singapore, boring as ever, just keep collecting the cashflow.
  • There are several reits that report rise in DPU In July. Good news, can buy more coffee.


  • While the "economists" are focusing on the macroeconomic, investors should just focus on buying real assets and not overpaying for them.

  • The most important is still have a job, able to pay bill and have saving in your banks.

  • Just stick to whatever proven investing strategy that you had previously employed and don't read too much News.

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