facebookPortfolio Review (October 2022) - Seedly




Portfolio Review (October 2022)

Portfolio Review

Review of my Portfolio (31/10/2022)

  • Total unrealized loss = -16%
  • YTD portfolio down = -37 %

Added in October

Growth Portfolio: KWEB

Dividend Portfolio: Allianz income & Growth, J69U, M44U

Portfolio Weightage

Dividend Received

YTD dividend received = SGD $5677.91


Graph as 05/11/2022

  • Some of the sectors have show some improvement compared to last month. However, the 3 main sectors that contribute most earnings to S&P remain beaten down.
  • MSFT, AAPL, AMZN and TSLA beats earnings, while GOOGL & META misses.
  • The communication sectors take the biggest hit since the bear market.

  • For the overall market, $SPY had not broken the $350 support, which is good news.

  • S&P500 earning had dropped slightly compare to last month. With a current PE of 19.35.

  • Personally, i feel that the market had bottom.... but i may be wrong. However, the market will go through months of consolidation before rally. All these are just my speculation....


  • Just continue to nibble every month into US and sometimes china.
  • i am still focusing on my dividend portfolio, no matter how the market condition, i will still get money every month.

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