facebookPortfolio Review (November 2022) - Seedly




Portfolio Review (November 2022)

Portfolio Review

Review of my Portfolio (30/11/2022)

  • Total unrealised loss: -14.7%
  • YTD portfolio down: -35.7%

Added in November

Growth portfolio: QQQM, AMZN

Dividend Portfolio: Allianz income & Growth, T82U, BUOU

Portfolio Weightage

Dividend Received

YTD dividend received: SGD $6,673.68


Graph as 01/12/2022

  • The rest of the sectors have been less negative than October.
  • Energy sector remained all time high.

Energy Sector

  • The energy sector look like reaching a strong resistance. Consolidating around the $90+ range. Overextended & very far away from the moving averages.


  • Similar for $SPY, it is hitting a strong resistance @ ~$410.
  • Will it breakout and started it uptrend, especially after a strong rally on 30 Nov?
  • I dont think so. It is too far from the moving averages and we know what will happen when it is overextended.

  • But i am optimistic, as the S&P 500 earnings remain intact as mention in previous post. All are just short term fluctuation, i expecting $SPY to retrace back to around ~$365 based on the weekly chart.
  • So i will probably wait a few weeks for it to retrace back to around $380 before do my monthly DCA again.

China Tech

  • Despite of all the negative news of china, the stock market reacted differently. 🤔
  • Gap up & a breakout.....? Will need it to re-test the support first.
  • i probably will nibble abit when it come down to ~$26,
  • But if i am wrong and it started an uptrend, i am more than happy to follow the trend and start buying...
  • Because my china portfolio are "underwater", so even i am wrong, i will still be considered averaging down even on an uptrend
  • i need to maintain a proper allocation for china, else my portfolio will be wreck. Max. 20%. 😆


  • I remain optimistic for the US market because the fundamental are intact.
  • For china, although there is a slowdown, but the companies are still growing. Is all sentimental driven, all the news & youtubers....
  • As an investor of china, i feel the volatility of US is nothing 😆. It is a real test of patience. New investors are probably best to stick to US market or SG market.

Previous Review



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