facebookPortfolio Review (January 2023) - Seedly




Portfolio Review (January 2023)

Portfolio Review

Review of my Portfolio ( 31/01/2023)

Total Unrealized loss: -12.3%

YTD portfolio up: +10.8%

Added in January

Goal 1 ( $6,723.56 / $66,186 )⚔️

Growth Portfolio: QQQM

Dividend Portfolio: Allianz income & growth, CLR, M44U, T82

Portfolio Weightage

Dividend Recieved

Goal 2 ( $318.44 /$11,000)❤️

Dividend recieved YTD: SGD $318.44


As 31/01/2023

My strategy is to buy every month regardless & hold for the long term. If i earn more, i will buy more, my income is as volatile as the market 😢. If thing hit my target price, i will buy, else i will just build my dividend portfolio. Although i am "timing" the market, but i am always invested 100%.

US Market

As expected, Jan 2023 have a rally, thus i bought QQQM at the start of the month. For Feb 2023, will have a slight pull back, will buy something when $SPY hit ~$390

China Tech

For china is abit tricky, 🤔. i think it will fluctuate between $34+/- range for awhile. i think can buy abit in Feb when salary come in.


  • Overall, i remain bullish for the entire market for 2023.

  • (1) Interest rate had start to come down, (2) massive layoff of tech firm means earnings will improve buy cutting cost, (3) entire employment rate remains healthy despite mass layoff means people will still able to spend money because they have job, (4) US currency weakening meaning the exchange rate will be much higher when multi-national companies convert foreign currency back to USD, their earnings will be much better. (5) Technically, the moving averages had crossed the 200MA.... i am not an economist or fortune teller but i am just using my logic thinking, but i may be wrong.

  • Regardless, where the market go my investment plan remain constant. Because i build this portfolio to weather all market conditions to either continuously compound cashflow or networth, rather then purely chasing gain.

Prevous Review



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